High Commission
Nairobi, Kenya

Sunday 09, 2025

Friends of Nigeria



The objective is to advance Nigeria's new domestic and foreign policy initiatives through friendly interactions with Kenyans with adequate knowledge of Nigeria and Nigerians resident in Kenya.


Nigeria is the most populous black Nation in the world made up of proud and hardworking citizens who are also hospitable and committed to the country's unity. Although, a nation with so many diversities in terms of language, culture, tradition and religion, from which it derives its strength and uniqueness, its role as a responsible member of the international community is without doubts.


The High Commission is aware that there are many Kenyans who have invested time working in Nigeria, and have first-hand knowledge about the hard working, resilient, and hospitable nature of Nigerians, we look forward to these Kenyans sensitising their country men/women and others about Nigeria. There is a need to also inform of the rapid transformations in the areas of socio-political as well as the economic sectors of the country within the framework of democracy and the rule of law. It is equally imperative to know about the tasks Nigeria has set for itself towards becoming one of the world's most developed economies by the year 2020.






Who should be a member?


The membership of the Friends of Nigeria is open to those who are conversant with Nigeria or have related with people of Nigeria from within and outside the country. They include:


Former Diplomats and other Kenyan Government officials that had served in Nigeria; Diplomats and staff of International Organisations; Aid workers; Missionaries; Nigerian-Kenyan Professionals; Heads and employees of Kenyan Companies with offices in Nigeria and Foreign students in Nigeria; Tourists and business visitors to Nigeria and Interested persons (to be considered on individual merit). The mission of the Friends of Nigeria would also be to advance a general awareness of Nigeria and stimulate a keen interest in Nigeria's development in a participatory manner and stimulate dialogue between Kenyans and Nigerians towards lasting solutions to developmental challenges facing Nigeria.




As an interested partner in "The Friends of Nigeria Project", What can you do?


At this point of time we request you to visit us or send your contact to enable the High Commission to forward to you an official invitation :




The Nigeria High Commission
Lenana Road, Kilimani


P.O. Box 30516


Nairobi, Kenya.